Monday, May 4, 2020

67th World Wide SketchCrawl at a Social Distance

67th World Wide SketchCrawl at a Social Distance

With the Spring weather arriving in April, Jo and I were able to get out, at a social distance, and do a bit of the SketchCrawl out at Lake Helen.  It was great to sketch out in nature.   LINK to Stevens Point SketchCrawl Post.
I am looking forward to the Summer World Wide Sketch Crawl and more sharing with sketchers of life across the world LINK

And a SIDE NOTE today.  Out of the blue, I received an email from a friend, Bill Kirby, with an old photo attached from 2005.  In October that year, we both participated in an Outdoor Survival weekend at UWSP Treehaven natural resources education center. It was taught by a staff member from Teaching Drum Outdoor School.  We had to make our own shelters for the night, out of a tarp and what ever else we found in the forest - leaves and pine needles for a mattress, sleeping bag on top and then large branches to form the shelter, with the tarp stretched over.  Yes, in October, we did have frost that night.  It was a very good learning experience. But, oh my, that was 15 years ago now!
In looking over my past links, it is always confusing to see how they change sometimes.  The link to my digital sketchbook online at the Brooklyn Art Library is now

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